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Friday, March 26, 2010

Cloak- Poem

Darkest before the dawn
Helix aflame from out the tempest skies spawn
My weakness
My heartache
Have ye' lost the will to foresake?
The treasures of entrapment?
Wide, the plains of enfamy
Deep, the skies of harmony
Pay tribute to the tributaries
That form tribunal rule to coax the masses
Their masonic glean
Their deceptions seem
Like gentle messages from messengers of good hope
Yet that which they rob from us, right under our noses
The noises, the poems that release toxic chi
And replaces with glee
These things God put here for you and me...
They would tread and mull those plains down...
They would blanket the skies with lights and chaos...
Betwixt the wicker hourglass and pyrite grandfather clock
Lies a cloak which you and I must wear
It blinds us
We have no idea
Just toward either we head
And when our life is up
And cloak is shed
We realize our allies have truly been misread...

Sunday, March 21, 2010

"Angry Angus" POEM

His anger seered, yet behind his eyes
Hid a petty steer
In a pasture of manure and tattoo ink
He stepped to me, and I did not blink
And thank God that he thought to think
That I would not be toyed with
That when he would swing his fist, it would be him
Who would pay
And when his fellow red Angus stomped and leered
I knew no fear
For both were dumb beasts
Vying for the last green leaf of taunting
Which I saved for the last stand
When neither raised a hand, but ridiculed and mocked
I got in, flipped a bird with a smirk on my face
Then left behind the inbred disaster
How humorous it looked in the rear view
And how marvelous
Now that they knew who was who

"S-Avus" POEM

She came in, overexcited

Seemingly exalted

For some higher purpose

That ultimately shun her, sent her home

For shame, the state she was in!

It seemed an exelcier wellspring of pain and tormented agony

Distorted, slurred, her perception blurred

A flat tire, she claimed

Her great stature defamed

For naught, that what she was on prior evenings

Was something calm, relaxed, still breathing

But when she stepped into the world of upset

All that was adept turned around

Revealed sad, stony eyes

Could not concentrate

Could not do the things which came natural

Just look at this woman's peril!

Sweeping here and there, breaking without care

The porcelain sheep in every one's trusting figure

A splinter she caught

In the form of a syringe

Before she came to work

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Divergence Poem

They hold vengeance upon pedestals
Then balk when it is obtained abruptly
Take to our forefathers when harboring mistrust
Take to our Lord God when love must...
Be found
Arabesque, the universality of man and women's unity
What foretold the sight beyond a pale moon?
For within the dreaded, nocturnal flight
Upon that very same moon appeared
A death's head superimposed
Perhaps by high flying hawks or UFOs...
Be that as it may, a storm is coming...
Waiting for mankind to choose its course of action
Will they be joining hands or banging on the battle drum?
Or will the simply cease to sum- up and down their fears creep steadily!
Like insects marveling at heavenly berries
None merry or too joyous
To realize these obsessions will destroy us

Monday, March 15, 2010

Black Petals Magazine

"His eyes narrowed as he motioned to a sign which read The Devil's Throat."
From "The Devil's Throat." Which can be read in full at:

Hound Dawg Magazine

"There will always be, seen or unseen, those thoughts which happenstance...
Makes certain a most haunting requiem." From "Thoughts of the Dead" which can be
read in full at:
In "Issue 4".


Sick Children
Sick Parents
Sick Everything worth stealin'
Sick vermon
Sick shadows
Flyin up a cold brick wall on nights so hollow
Howl, sick brood
The muse sets itself beside you
Murky, oh into your ear it tells a murky secret
That halls vanished for thousands of years
Where conniving pees had jeered and leered
Sat sulking behind the grave of myriad generations
"Heed the protestant pest." It whispers
Detest the merciful bounds which crawl up your backs and abscond,
The personal pleasures usered by sharp, jagged measures
To learn and grow
See the hearkened truce sow in the gardens of primrose
Far off the diamond studded hill,
Mornings, evenings, trepid and still
With the grace of an eagle perched upon a limestone window sill...
When day takes a daylong nap and elongates our muse's trap
Oh, trappings of a bottle
Filled with gold ale
Will these sick subjects prevail?
Or fall beyond the pale of the decadent trench?
Stoln' by obsequious grench
Still marching up to jail with their dank, fowl stench
Bark the dogs, commands the guardsman,
"Sick!" "Sick!"